Pleasure of pleasant life

Roads of life on Ier Valley – the first volume of the Er Hangja Association.

Pleasure of pleasant life

Roads of life on Ier Valley – the first volume of the Er Hangja Association.

On Friday, September 15, at 19:00, the books “Roads of life on Ier Valley” were launched in the building of the local museum. This work is the very first publication of the association.

Great agitation and hard work preceded the launch of the books. The media association Er Hangja started in 2009 with the publication of a monthly magazine and now it has become a mass media base in the Ier Valley. Over the years, many interviews and life stories were printed on the pages of the magazine. In the past the idea was born, that it would be useful to publish it all in the form of a book. The pursuit of complex works, resulted in this volume of interviews published in September, which presents 32 ways of life that are closely linked to the city of Sacueni and localities on the Ier Valley.

On this Friday, the cultural life of  Sacueni  revived, because two books were released. The presentation of the association’s books was scheduled after the launch of an economical fairytale volume. Little by little, the people gathered in the museum, former teachers, artists, family members, acquaintances and friends, for whom the monthly newspaper, was a big step.

Timea Aszalos, the president of the association Er Hangja, greeted the newcomers and immediately gave the word to Romanian vice-president of the Hungarian Journalists association, Laszlo Szucs. He talked about centers and peripherals, the beautiful landscape which roots embedded in the souls of the people who are living here. With hard work and care these people can bring a lot of beautiful things to the community . Laszlo Szucs considers that this volume is an extremely important step that deserves to be made and continuously cultivated. There are a lot of exemplary ways of life to care for, he is also interested in the past, this is why he finished his speech with a question: is there someone in the future generation, who we can similarly interview in 40-50 years? The speech was followed by an interpretation of classical music, a song by Schubert, The Beautiful Maid Girl, sung by a student of the High School of Art from Oradea. All this was followed by Ákos Derzsi, the director of the UDMR Senate, the director of the Europrint typography in Oradea, he tried relaxing the spirit in the public with funny stories. In his opinion, there is a great need for books and there are two characteristics of a good book: if a book is kept in a reader’s hand for 20 seconds and if it is leafed through by the printer, the book will be successful. He told us that the two features are present at this book.

Ákos Derzsi’s speech was followed by a presentation of another piece of classical music, following the speech of Csaba Béres, Mayor of Sacueni.

The mayor talked about the importance of working days, without which, we couldn’t have holidays. He also ended his speech with the quote of St. Francis Assisi: “First, do what is necessary, then what is possible, until you’ll recognize you did what was impossible.”

The speech was closed by Ildikó Pallagi, a piano teacher, then Timea Aszalós, the coordinator of the association Er Hangja and a media group spoke. She talked about the beginning, the hard work which made the group in constant expansion into a true team, she also talked about the book, which is very important for her but also for the ones who worked on it and for the community itself. She is greatful to Angyal Olivia who made a more valuable book with her beautiful illustrations.

At the end of their speech, they remembered with one minute of silence about those who were interviewed but they are no longer among us. The family members have received a copy of the book and commemorative plate. The book was published with the support of the Gábor Bethlen Foundation and the local government.

Ványa Blanka