^ Vissza Fel

European Social Overview  


The project of the Erhangja Association called European Social Overview through My Lens was closed on 16th July. The end of the project was marked by the film projection in the conference room of the youth center owned by the Reformed Church of Sacueni.

During the project the participants learned how to handle the camcorder and the photo cam for making videos; they could try their knowledge also in practice during the fieldwork. You can see the documentaries created from the interviews, clips recorded by them. It is an interesting fact that each documentary was created by a team of participants with mixed nationalities, this team setup enhanced communication and acquaintance process.

Inviting, watching, hugging

In the forenoon of the last day a group of the youth participants went to the city after breakfast to distribute the handmade flyers and posters in Sacueni. They invited the people of the street to the afternoon screening, then the time of premiere came. The three documentaries was finished, to which the screenplay, the footages and the editorial work wasdone by the mixed groups of the participants from the three countries. After the premiere there was a short conversation with the public about the presented topics.

Advertisement, Roundoff, Editing and Intercultural Night

The Slovak cultural night indulged not only our tummies but we could gain new knowledge about the country and could also expand our common dictionary with new words. After a night rich in dance and tastes the groups could hardly begin to start the editional works of the documentary movie next morning. There were some exercises helping the atunement and then the film crews from Monday teamed up again. They made it clear what’s the rest to do, who undertakes what, what kind of footages are needed yet, what should contain the promotion of the screening?

Stirring second day

After waking up and drinking the necessary quantity of coffee the youth gathered in the room on Tuesday morning. While everybody was still crooning the „Nád a házam teteje” song („The roof of my house is made of reed”) learnt on the Hungarian night previously the organizers planned to have group discussions in the forenoon. The participants teamed up to analyze the topic of black work, jobs that don’t require qualification and the emigration for work. Each group looked up a space in the building where they preferred to work and the notes were done in half an hour.

Who said Monday is awful?

Monday was a great day! The participants woke up at 7 o’clock as usual, with smiles on their faces. The day started with delicious breakfast and with games which were really funny.

During the workshops the girls and boys learnt how to use a camcorder, starting from how to turn it on, through how to focus, till how to make footages. The afternoon was spent walking in the city of Sacueni and making interviews with local people about the social situation of the city and the people. One of the groups visited even the children’s home that was a really touching experience.

From Making Interculturaal Friendships to the Making of Interviews

The first day ended with a frenetic intercultural night. We had the occasion not only to taste new foods and drinks, but also to discover that we have similar religious songs indifferent of language or confession. It waselevatingto see and to hear that we understand each other also without words, and the music and the faith binds us together.

The second morning began with a bit of attunement. On the lawn next to the youth centre and the church we helped each other to be charged with energy by different games. After lots of laughter and joy we prepared for the work. The groups of the three nations presented how is the situation of the unemployed and the youth people in Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. We discovered many similarities that is not a miracle since we are all living in East-Central Europe. We meet alike challenges and we see the problems similarly.

We had a colorful Saturday – and this is just the beginning

The Erasmus + program in Sacueni, at the youth center of the Reformed Church, began.

The young locals had breakfast with Slovak and Hungarian guests. After that, through games, each participant had to remember the others names, at the same time we learned a lot about organizations. After lunch spent together, we continued to get to know each other with some games, this part was the highlight of the day. The socialization was followed by a tour of the city, which had to be done on the basis of creative tasks, through exploration exercises finding interesting points of the city. This activity was also useful for get acquaintedand making friends.

European Social Overview through My Lens

First Erasmus+ program in Sacueni

The Er hangja Association organizes a mobility involving 24 unemployed youth from Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, between 11-16 July, 2015.The project addresses local, European and global issues, such as youth unemployment, poverty and discrimination against Roma youth.

This is why the Er hangja Assoiation calls for those who want to participate, to learn something new, and who are between the age of 18-30. To participate, please send an introductory text about yourself and a motivational letter to the erhangja1@gmail.com until th 25th of June. The project is funded by the European Union.

For more information please call Aszalós Tímea, organizer, on the following number +40 762-0838-344.