After waking up and drinking the necessary quantity of coffee the youth gathered in the room on Tuesday morning. While everybody was still crooning the „Nád a házam teteje” song („The roof of my house is made of reed”) learnt on the Hungarian night previously the organizers planned to have group discussions in the forenoon. The participants teamed up to analyze the topic of black work, jobs that don’t require qualification and the emigration for work. Each group looked up a space in the building where they preferred to work and the notes were done in half an hour.
Advantages, disadvantages, prosposals for solution were presented, discussed. After lunch the interviewing teams formed earlier went out to the territoty of Sacueni to make more footages for the documentary to-be-ready. This work ended before supper that was followed by a break for relaxation, rest. But there came the time when everybody got excited because of the Slovak night in which we did not balk. We delighted in the presented landscapes, we tasted the national food, then we got sweated during the dance teaching session.