The Importance of Celebrating Roma Culture

Sacueni has a community of a little over three thousand Roma, spread in eight different settlements. The usual approach towards this ethnicity has been generally one of otherness, racism and discrimination. However, not many people have stopped and given some thought or interest in the culture of Roma people. Cultures have a need for stability. The Roma community has it quite difficult due to the fact that stability is precisely what they lack. There is no complete integration to society making them unable to set roots and harmonize, adding to it the absence of territorial or political representation.
This is just a reminder of how difficult life is for the Roma, a population that over the years have suffered endless hardship based on stereotypes about their culture. It is of utmost importance to understand and consider the origins of Roma. According to historians, linguistics and experts, the Roma community can be traced back many centuries, establishing their location of origin in Northern India.