Knowledge of Turkish culture with fine dances and snacks The participants were introduced todancing culture and Turkish gastronomy at the first event of the Turkish Volunteer from the Ér Hangja Association on February 15th.
As we wrote in our last issue of our newspaper, Hassan Cimen from Kusadasi came through a program of the European Solidarity Committee sponsored by the European Union, spending a total of nine months in the city, during which time he will organize several cultural events for the residents.
As a first warm-up event, the volunteer presented a short video of the Turkish dance culture and two traditional folk dances. He also performed a dance from the Aegean region known as the Hermesian zeybek. Then he involved the audience: he presented Damat halayi, a traditional dance at Turkish weddings, which could be tried by those present.
At the end of the dance, the now civilian volunteer who used to work in the food trade industry, invited the participants to the table. Considering that the event was held at noon, he prepared cooked food and dessert, both prepared at home. All the curious were listening to how to prepare kuru fasulye, meaning bean stew and kamha pasha, snacks soaked in a sugar syrup. Snacks, time spent together were a good opportunity for locals to meet the new inhabitants of the city personally and to learn the real Turkish culture instead of stereotypes.