The Friday morning was devoted to the filming of the introductory videos for each short movie about the preparation of the national dishes. Each group had to imagine and to draw, plan their first introductory scenes (what background do they need, how do they want to introduce themselves, etc.) and then shoot it with the help of the associations expert colleague. After lunch some more work had to come since the videos had to be ready for the final editions, so each group was filming the missing parts. The intensive work was followed by active relaxation.
The participants visited another entrepreneur married couple. In the village of Sannicolau de Munte they had the chance to get to know the benefits and technology of producing cold pressed oils and traditionally made flour from bio cereals. The group of youth was regaled; around a big table everyone could taste the different oils, the scones maid of whole wheat flour, and the chick-peas cream. Even after this long day, the Slovak group surprised their project mates with a great cultural night.