The project entitled Discover the country houses of Ier Valley has come to an end. During the working process the Ér Hangja Association’s coworkers and volunteers worked to collect the needed information. They searched on the internet and even asked the local council and the local people so that the four short films could present more spectacular turistical landscapes from Ier Valley.
In this short series the Ér Hangja Association presented the village museum of Curtuișeni, the peasant port in Galoșpetreu, the mansion of Otomani and the cotter house in Sălacea.
The short films about the country houses are released on the association’s Youtube channel, but you can also find them on the social media pages, and on the organization’s web site. Beside this, presentation brochures were released as well about the country houses.

Under the influence of the short films hopefully we will meet more tourists in the Ier Valley, who are searching for the presented country houses, which will contribute to the economic growth of the area on a long term.

Apariția filmelor va rezulta în creşterea numărului de turiști care au vizitat zona Văii Ierului și vor veni și mai mulți pe timp ce trece.